On October 10th, 2017 transiting Jupiter switched signs from Libra and into Scorpio. Jupiter takes approximately 12 years to go around the sun so it spends about a year in each sign as it travels through the 12 signs of the zodiac.

Jupiter is the planet of luck, growth, expansion abundance, arrogance and too much of a good thing. It rules the higher mind religion, philosophy, long distance travel and foreigners & foreign lands.

The sign of Scorpio has the characteristics that Jupiter will take on during the next year until it goes in Sagittarius on November 9th 2018. Scorpio is an emotional water sign that is deep, dark, passionate, intense and obsessive. It is ruled by Pluto therefore it rules sex, birth, death, transformation, crime, shared resources and other people’s money. I read one astrologer’s description as the sign of “sex, drugs and Rock n Roll”. An apt description.

It has been interesting that within one week of Jupiter entering Scorpio we have seen the sex scandals of Harvey Weinstein come under public scrutiny. Quickly followed by accusations of sexual misconduct by Trump and the “ME Too” campaign of sexual assault reports on Twitter going crazy. A few other business titans from various industries have had sexual harassment complaints made against them. This subject will likely grow (Jupiter) over course of the next year since the public is more aggressively addressing the systemic aspect of the sexual abuse (Scorpio) by powerful individuals and how we address this larger problem as a society.

As far the drug part of ‘Sex, drugs and rock N roll”. I think we will see the massive problem of the opioid addiction across our society be addressed in a much larger and direct way. On 10/15/17 a big story broke on Sixty Minutes about how the Pharmaceutical company lobbies have been able to limit the DEA’s ability to stop the illegal distribution of the prescription drugs.

Logic would say that Big Pharma must be benefiting hugely by creating an addicted society. I think with Jupiter in Scorpio these issues will become much more prominent over the course of the next year and underbelly of the Pharmaceutical industry may be revealed.

As for the rock N roll part, I’m not sure. Death (Scorpio) by Rock Star? Certainly we have lost a bunch of Rock stars already while in Libra (Prince, Tom Petty and others) but we may see that pick up in pace with these rockers dying. Sad to say the Rock N Rollers of the Baby Boom generation are getting old and all the drugs, alcohol and cigarette abuse they wholeheartedly embraced (Scorpio) are killing them off way too early. 🙁