What will Neptune and Jupiter transiting through Pisces brings us this winter and spring?

Ok. So I’m watching the news today (February 11) and the newscasters are talking about how the pandemic is on its way out, and how numerous states plan to lift mask mandates in schools at the beginning of March.

I would like to see Covid-19 go away as much as the next person, but I believe this spells trouble. We just witnessed a huge spike in cases due to the Omicron variant over the Holidays. It was at a high in January and now in mid-February the surge has finally waned. BUT the virus is still lurking out there. Here we go again!

Neptune in Pisces

Let’s look at the astrology. Neptune rules viruses because it rules intangibles, and the things that are invisible in our lives. A virus is something we cannot see. Neptune also rules dissolution, that is to say the elimination of boundaries. A virus survives through transmission from one host to another, and with no boundaries a virus thrives!

Neptune is currently transiting the sign of Pisces. Pisces is co-ruled by Jupiter (ancient) and Neptune (modern). Planets placed in the sign they rule experience the energy of the planet and sign in its purest form. Unfortunately, with the limitless and boundless energy this transit brings, it conducive to virus transmission.

Jupiter in Pisces

Now, throw in the transit of the planet JupiterJupiter also entered the sign of Pisces on December 30, 2021 and it will meet up with Neptune in the sky with an exact conjunction on April 10, 2022 at 23° of Pisces. Jupiter is the planet of luck, growth and expansion. Whatever planet or point in your chart Jupiter touches; it will expand its energy and make it bigger. And Jupiter wants to go BIG. The energy of Jupiter can bring optimism, and combined with Neptune, also the planet of idealism, we think nothing can go wrong!  Deception, especially self-deception, can be greatly exaggerated by this transit. And that is not a favorable energy for reducing the spread of a virus.

Jupiter in Pisces Dates:

Ingresses into Pisces on December 30, 2021
Conjuncts Neptune in Pisces April 9-12, 2022 at 23° of Pisces
Leaves Pisces and ingresses into Aries on May 10, 2022

Masks will come off the beginning of March, a possible spike in Covid-19 a month later, around April 10 would be consistent with what happened in December and January. Time will tell. I think it will surge again this spring. For the time being, I plan to still wear my mask when in public and continue to social distance.

Other Jupiter-Neptune Possibilities

There are numerous other possibilities this conjunction could bring that are not related to the virus. Examples would be: significant flooding; an intense period of inflation; a bubble bursting in a market (real estate?); increased spirituality; spiritual ecstasy (hysteria); more active and vivid dreaming; great movies and music; religious/spiritual law; more lying; denial (self deception); obvious addictive behaviors; more gambling or risk-taking; and MORE media disinformation/fake news.