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Tag: pluto

The Vegas Killer – A Moon-Pluto Connection

The Las Vegas killer, Stephen Paddock born April 9, 1953 at 11:05am. His birth time confirmed on his birth certificate.

This man is now the largest mass murderer in US history. On October 1, 2017 between 10:05 and 10:15 p.m. PDT he killed 58 people and injured 546 others at a country music concert in Las Vegas as he shot from a 32nd floor hotel window from across the street. He killed himself before authorities were able to capture him. Looking at Paddock’s natal chart I can see an astrological configuration that indicates the possibility of such a mass murder event.

The authorities have very little information on this man’s motives. He had no prior criminal record and there is very little to indicate what led him to perpetrate such a heinous act. He had had a successful career in government services and made over a million dollars in real estate speculation. On the surface he seemed like nothing unusual but there has been speculation that his was having financial trouble due to too much gambling as a reason for his final act.

His sun is in Aries (self directed me-first energy) with a conjunction to Venus (beauty, harmony & finances) in the 10th house (career, status and reputation). He would have been a charming guy to sit next to in the casino while gambling. I think his public appearances would have been one of like-ability and attractiveness and appearances would have been very important to him. His Venus-sun conjunction would have helped him to keep his dark and obsessive side under tight wraps.

He has a T-square with Pluto in Leo in the 2nd house opposite Moon in Aquarius the 8th with both planets squaring Jupiter in Taurus in the 11th. This orb between the three planets is tight at 21 – 23 degrees.

This t-square shows the possibility of the mass murder with Pluto (the criminal element, obsession, sex & death) in his 2nd house (his possession and values) representing his large arsenal of high powered guns. Pluto is in opposition to his moon (emotions, the public) in the 8th house (house of death). He probably obsessed (8th) about killing the public with his guns. These two planets squaring Jupiter (luck and abundance) in the 11th house (groups, goals and the masses). He may have had some issues working out his plan for his death to the public but he certainly had good luck (Jupiter) in succeeding to kill a huge number of people at a concert (11th house-group gathering). I believe this t-square describes the event itself.

Of course, this possibility is easy to see now that we know the outcome of the particular situation and his life. If he had visited me for a consultation prior to the killings I never would have come up with that one. Something that heinous would never ever occur to me. Not even if I knew about the gun collection.

If he were my client I would have looked at his chart and thought he had some difficult “Mom issues” with the T-square mentioned above.

The Moon in the natal chart tells how you feel about your Mother. Being in the house of sex, death and transformation, he may had difficult sexual issues because of how he felt about Mom. He might have been sexually abused by her. With the Moon’s opposition to Pluto (also sex death and transformation) in the 2nd there may have been power struggles or domination issues with Mom that would have affected his relationships, sexual and friendship (11th). He would been have very emotionally intense or very brooding with Moon in the 8th opposition Pluto. He may have imagined his Mother’s death or even killing her.

To make matters worse in the Mom department he has the “not so easy” conjunction of Saturn and Neptune in Libra in the 4th house in a tight opposition to his sun and Venus in the 10th house. The 4th house is the house where you actually find Mom, the woman herself. The Saturn-Neptune conjunction there could tell us something about her. On the positive side, Mom may have been a hard working artist or someone who could turn a dream into reality. On the negative side, she may have been dissatisfied with life, unable to reconcile her dreams with reality or possibly an alcoholic wanting to escape life, possibly making her son an enabler.

This Neptune-Saturn energy is not an easy energy to reconcile in a horoscope and it is in tight opposition to his Sun (ego & personality) and Venus (harmony and relationships) conjunction. He probably had many difficulties in romantic and business relationships.

In Paddock’s birth chart his relationship with his Mother was very probably a strong influence in his dark motivation to kill but we will never know for sure. We can only look to his chart for the possibilities.

Trump and Pluto in the 5th house

Right now transiting Pluto is in the sign of Capricorn. It is transiting Donald Trump’s 5th house.

DT’s chart represents him and also our country because he is now the leader of it. 

Let’s examine Pluto which rules power, personal power and power to the masses, power struggles, the underworld and unscrupulous behavior, intensity, crises, psychology, obsession, sex, death, birth and transformation. Pluto adds intensity to whatever point in a horoscope it touches. 

the sign of Capricorn rules structure, discipline, work, ambition, big government, and big corporations (large structures). It is an earth sign and the sign of the builder. Capricorn likes practicality and efficiency. 

The Fifth house rules our hobbies, interests, risk and speculation, things we do for fun, romance, sex, creativity and children. 

Putting this together in Trumps chart I feel that He may have business interests such as an speculative monetary investments) in mass energy such as pipelines, oil drilling, coal mining, nuclear, etc (Pluto). 

We know for a fact that he is invested in the Dakota Access pipeline because declared it during the Lakota Indian stand off which was trying stop it during the fall of 2015. 

I’ve read he is more heavily invested in the Transwestern pipeline which is the Canadian portion of the same pipeline. He declared that he would support the pipeline project because he was invested in it. Those poor Indians are just out of luck.

He certainly spends a lot of time promoting coal production. I wonder why? With Pluto in the 5th in Capricorn I don’t think it’s because he feels for the out of work coal miners as he wants the public to believe. Its because he is invested in that business. Coal is the highest carbon emitter of all forms of fossil fuel production. Of course DT debunks Global warming. 

I can speculate all I want but without the tax returns NOBODY will ever know. 

Let’s move on. Pluto in the the 5th could mean power struggles with children regarding work and business. It could mean the possible death of a child. it could mean unscrupulous behavior surrounding children, or children doing criminal things. Hmmmm… Trump never divested himself from his businesses which are now run by his children. Ivanka is an “unofficial” White House advisor and her husband is the Chief of Staff.  DT Jr. released email show possible collusion with the Russians. The conflicts of interest abound. 

DT may have power struggles within his own family at the White House. the presence of Pluto in the 5th presents a very questionable influence of his children on the presidency. 

Pluto takes 249 years to travel around the Sun so it spends approx. 20 years in each sign. It will be in DT’s 5th house from January 2008 to January 2024. 

Again we haven’t seen the tax returns to know where DT’s speculative interests (5th house) really lie. 

Another possibility of Pluto in the 5th is obsessive romantic love. It is possible he could have an affair(s) with someone he becomes obsessed with or they become obsessed with him. An intense relationship in any case. It is unlikely the public will could learn of such an affair but the possibility remains. 

Since Pluto rules transformation it will somehow changes DT’s interests and sense of fun. His hobbies may change considerably, or become more intense. His speculative ventures could transform. 

Right now Pluto in the 5th is in a square to his natal Jupiter in the Second house. That’s another article for another day.

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