Learn your Astrological Chart

My name is Beth and I have been a studying astrology most of my adult life. In the last 10 years, I have taken my chart delineation skills to a much higher level of mastery. And I’ve learned a lot! I’ve read many charts for friends and family members, and I offer phone and in-person consultations at reasonable rates. I live in northern New Jersey in the New York City metro area. I also offer personalized astrology lessons for beginners who want to better understand the synthesis of a horoscope chart. Please see My Services Page for more information.

How Can I Help You?

My chart readings are focused on individual natal horoscope analysis. In order to improve our lives, mature and present our best selves to the world we need to understand who we are and what we need. Our birth chart can help us do this. It shows us the possibilities in our life from the time we are born. As time passes from the planets continue to move through the sky affecting us in different ways. Understanding how they influence us can help us get through tough times and periods of growth.

I’m not doing relationship chart analysis at this time.

A 12th House Approach

In astrology, the 12th house rules the intangibles in our lives. It rules things that are hidden and unseen such as; secrets, intuition, psychic abilities, imagination, and music. I have studied this house in-depth to better understand how unseen forces affect our lives in a very real and tangible ways. I’m a firm believer in the importance of this invisible realm.

Have you ever not listened to that gut feeling only to regret it later after having made a bad decision? What is that gut feeling? Intuition or emotional instinct? It’s not something easily explained and has no basis in fact, and as a result, it is often ignored. I think our society discounts this invisible realm greatly and it needs to be taken much more seriously.