Get ready to tighten your belts!

On December 20, 2017, the planet Saturn will leave the freedom-lovingĀ and expansive sign of Sagittarius and enter (known as ingress) the sign of Capricorn. Saturn spends approximately 2.5 years in an astrological sign and it will be interesting to see how this shift in energy will affect our society as a collective.

When I look at my own chart’s transits I always look to see what houses (areas of life) Jupiter and Saturn are traveling through. Jupiter, the planet of growth and expansion, tells me what area of the life I will experience some luck and have more favorable circumstances. While the house that Saturn is in is the place I will have to work harder, find patience and perseverance and have to solve problems.

Saturn is known as the taskmaster of the zodiac. It rules work, discipline, responsibility, limitations, reality, structure, time, restrictions and depression. Ever go through a rough patch in your life where time seems to slow down and getting through the day seems harder? You were probably experiencing a stressful Saturn transit. The good news about Saturn is that it brings wisdom, realistic thinking, efficiency, productivity and the rewards for hard work over time. We NEED to experience Saturn to mature in life.

The sign of Capricorn is ruled by Saturn and is the planet’s natural home. Capricorn is a cardinal (initiating) earth (material) sign. It is the sign of the builder and is concerned with ambition, efficiency, and practicality. Capricorn rules big business and government as it represents large structures (Saturn).

Saturn puts a limit on what it ever it touches. I’ve been contemplating its shift into Capricorn in relation to big business i.e. Corporate America. Saturn’s presence in Capricorn will probably have a belt-tightening effect. Businesses will want to build, be more ambitious, more productive and more efficient but profit margins may become tighter. To be successful their approach it will have to be based on realistic expectations and conservatism. Unfortunately what’s good for corporations may not be so beneficial for workers. Companies striving for more efficiency and productivity may put more pressure on their workers to make this happen. People will be working harder. Corporations may be forced to reduce workers to adjust for greater expenditures or reduced profitability.

Our government is also a large structure that will be affected by this Saturn transit. It exists to serve the people and with Saturn transiting Capricorn cutbacks will be the order of the day. The energy of Saturn will put a limit on government action and what it provides. Trimming the budget, and reducing the deficit could be issues. Significant cuts in social programs could be another example.

Saturn’s transit through the sign of Capricorn will bring a serious mindset that demands conservatism. It will not be easy for us as a country and we have to work hard to see rewards.

To learn how Saturn in Capricorn will affect you personally please contact me for a reading.