Here Comes the Transit of Uranus in Taurus!

In just a couple of days the planet Uranus leaves the sign of Aries and enters into the sign of Taurus, where it will remain until 2025. Uranus takes 84 years to travel around the Sun, therefore it spends approximately 7 years in each zodiac sign as it completes its full rotation. This astrological transit will have significant and long lasting effects on the world. It enters Taurus on 5/16 and then it retrogrades back into Aries on 11/6/18. Then it re-enters Taurus again on 3/7/19 where it will remain until 7/7/25.

The Planet of Change meets the Sign of Habit

Uranus is known as the planet of change. It rules change, disruption, sudden or shocking events and unpredictability. It also rules technology, electricity, progressive thinking, innovation, rebellion, and humanitarianism. Uranus has been in the sign of Aries since 2011 and Aries is the most self-directed sign of the zodiac. Uranus in the “It’s all about me” sign of Aries brought us things like Facebook, the Smartphone and the “Selfie”. Technological things to express our individuality and showcase ourselves. Aries also rules war so things like cyber warfare, drone technology, and the Arab Spring came along during this time as well. Uranus’s move from Aries into to Taurus will be a dramatic change.

The characteristics of the sign of Taurus are predictability, stability, habit, and stubbornness. It wants to solidify things, and is the sign in the zodiac that is the MOST resistant to change. Taurus rules possessions, material wealth, ownership, banking & finance, currency, agriculture, territory, beauty, and our sensory satisfaction. Taurus defines our sense of security. Most of all, the sign of Taurus shows us what we VALUE.

Needless to say, when the planet of change meets the sign most resistant to change there can be some trouble. Uranus is in its Fall in the sign of Taurus and doesn’t function well there. Taurus will strongly resist what Uranus brings, sort of like a jackhammer trying to break up cement.

What Can We Expect?

In the next seven years we will probably experience some great changes surrounding banking and currency. Cryptocurrencies, like Bitcoin, may become impactful on the world economy. Other digital currencies may be invented. Unpredictable changes to currency like inflation or deflation can occur. Brexit or other countries leaving the EU could bring some big surprises.

The sign of Taurus is an Earth sign. Unpredictable Uranus in an earth sign can bring unexpected events such as eruptions, earthquakes or tsunamis or other unforeseen earth changes.

We will probably see great inventions for agriculture and more efficient ways to bring food to the masses. Electric cars could become popular and new inventions in beauty products or healing therapies are possible. We will see exciting new approaches to art and design.

Taurus rules what we value both personally and as a nation so we can expect some significant changes in these areas. Our attitudes towards money, industry, and land may change suddenly and drastically.

History to Look Back On

Looking back on history the last time Uranus was in Taurus was 1934 to 1941, and before that was 1851 to 1859.  These were time periods of political polarization and economic downturn that preceded major wars. Unfortunately, polarization is one unpleasant manifestation of Uranus in Taurus where ideologies (Uranus) become so entrenched (Taurus) that there can be no agreement.

1934- 1941

One month after Uranus entered Taurus in 1934 Hitler gained control over Germany and declared himself the Fuhrer. Hitler rose to power by delivering a powerful populist message to a discouraged German population looking for political and economic change. After he became Fuhrer his fanatical quest for a perfect race took over and fascism was solidified in Europe. Hitler turned out to be a polarizing figure indeed. When World War II came along in 1939 it was a battle between the Allied powers versus the Axis powers.


I read some US history to learn more about the 1850-1859 time period. The general backdrop to this decade was the Industrial Revolution. In 1851 California was made a state in the union and had a tremendous boom with the Gold Rush (currency from the earth).

At that time the American west was still a series of territories (to become AZ, NM, UT, OR, KS and NE). Railroads were built for increased access to these territories. Demand for US grain around the world boosted and streamlined agriculture production. The number of US Banks doubled during these profitable years, and that led to the over-extension of easy credit.

Unfortunately, in 1857 there was an economic panic. The gold in California started to run out. As a result gold, which backed the US dollar, was devalued. This led to many financial bankruptcies, as debts were unable to be repaid. There was high unemployment and worker demonstrations. This painful economic period lasted for a couple of years, and created intense political divides between the North and the South. Please read more on this in the NY Times Archive.

The division between the North and South over slavery was the primary political problem of the decade. The expansion into new land territories led to a face off between the supporters of slavery and  abolitionists over its legality. The intense polarization between the political parties and regional areas laid the groundwork for the Civil War. Please read more at on this history.

The Cement and the Jackhammer

I don’t expect this transit to bring much change from our current political or business leaders at first. They represent the cement of Taurus. The unexpected events that Uranus brings will be the jackhammer that hits against them. It may be a while before they start to move.

It will be interesting to look back seven years from now and see how our personal and national values have changed and what the effects of Uranus in Taurus came to pass. Our nation will have to make a conscious effort toward unity, compromise and understanding to enjoy the good things that this transit can bring us.

If you would like to know how the transit of Uranus in Taurus will affect you personally, please visit My Services page to schedule a consultation.

Please read my previous article on Saturn in Capricorn to learn more about this current transit’s potential affect on our government and economy.