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Trump_Sept_5_2017 Chart

The August Eclipse Aftermath

Well folks, this certainly has been a hell of an eclipse season. And it is not over yet. I’ve been doing a lot of reading about this season over the last few months written by many astrologers. Among the predictions were the possible death, a health problem, or a fall from grace of Donald Trump (DT). Another is the possibility of war. Another is the possibility of natural disaster. Ouch! So much doom and gloom. Well unfortunately some of these predictions seem to be coming true.

We are in the “shadow” of the August 21st eclipse right now and will be feeling the direct effects of the eclipse for another two weeks until about September 6th. The direct effect of an eclipse can be felt for as long as 6 months afterwards. The immediate two weeks before and after the eclipse can bring secrets or situations to the fore that have to be dealt with for months.

Lunations in August:

Aug 7 2017
Full Moon Lunar Eclipse. 6:10 pm at 15° Aquarius 25

Aug 21 2017
New Moon Solar Eclipse. 6:30 pm at 28° Leo 52

The eclipse of August 21st hit Trump’s chart very directly. The eclipse point of the moon at 28° degrees Leo (rules royalty and leadership) was conjunct his Ascendant (his persona) which is 29° Leo (29° is an anaretic degree). Additionally, his 12th house Mars (his anger and aggression that work against him) is at 26° Leo. This eclipse will activate this aspect of his chart. Certainly his aggression came to the fore with threats to go to war (ruled by Mars) with North Korea if they don’t stop their nuclear testing.

In addition to the Fixed Star Regulus was at 29° Leo as well. Regulus represents the Lion’s heart and is associated Kings, royalty and leaders of countries. Many astrologers have speculated that the solar eclipse on this point can spell a fall from grace. This could be a triple whammy for DT. (A definition of Ascendant conjunct Regulus: Great honor and wealth, but violence and trouble, sickness, fevers, acute disease, benefits seldom last, favor of the great, victory over enemies and scandal.)

The racist riot on Saturday August 12th in Charleston, Virginia brought to light that Donald Trump is a racist and is not willing to condemn the white separatist groups that helped elect him to office. Many people have abandoned their support of Trump such as the CEOs who quit various government advisory boards and then Trump finally disbanded them. See Washington Post article from 8/17/17. There was much direct criticism from world leaders and an endless array of groups throughout our country about his reaction to the situation.

DT’s popularity hit an all time low with just 16% of the country supporting him. He was not hugely popular before but this was certainly a new low for his poll ratings. At the time of the eclipse, Saturn (limitation and responsibility) was conjunct his moon (emotions, instincts and popularity) and opposition his sun (his ego, personality and body) showing a limitation on his popularity at that moment.

The natural disaster prediction is turning out to be Hurricane Harvey in the gulf coast of Texas. This storm has brought an unprecedented amount of rainfall and is continuing to rain there for days. This terrible disaster is deserving of more astrological analysis, than just the effects of the eclipse. Whatever happens in Texas will affect the whole country (the eclipse was seen coast to coast in the US) and not just Texas residents. It may impact the price of gas in the upcoming months.

What concerns me now, is Mars will be around the eclipse degree (28° Leo) in early September (for a few days), triggering another layer to the eclipse season. Mercury, which is retrograde right now, will station direct on September 5th right on the eclipse degree! All of which co-joins DT’s Ascendant and natal Mars. My feeling is he may talk (Mercury) of war (Mars) again with North Korea. Let’s just hope it talk and no action!

Trump_Sept_5_2017 Chart

Trump and Pluto in the 5th house

Right now transiting Pluto is in the sign of Capricorn. It is transiting Donald Trump’s 5th house.

DT’s chart represents him and also our country because he is now the leader of it. 

Let’s examine Pluto which rules power, personal power and power to the masses, power struggles, the underworld and unscrupulous behavior, intensity, crises, psychology, obsession, sex, death, birth and transformation. Pluto adds intensity to whatever point in a horoscope it touches. 

the sign of Capricorn rules structure, discipline, work, ambition, big government, and big corporations (large structures). It is an earth sign and the sign of the builder. Capricorn likes practicality and efficiency. 

The Fifth house rules our hobbies, interests, risk and speculation, things we do for fun, romance, sex, creativity and children. 

Putting this together in Trumps chart I feel that He may have business interests such as an speculative monetary investments) in mass energy such as pipelines, oil drilling, coal mining, nuclear, etc (Pluto). 

We know for a fact that he is invested in the Dakota Access pipeline because declared it during the Lakota Indian stand off which was trying stop it during the fall of 2015. 

I’ve read he is more heavily invested in the Transwestern pipeline which is the Canadian portion of the same pipeline. He declared that he would support the pipeline project because he was invested in it. Those poor Indians are just out of luck.

He certainly spends a lot of time promoting coal production. I wonder why? With Pluto in the 5th in Capricorn I don’t think it’s because he feels for the out of work coal miners as he wants the public to believe. Its because he is invested in that business. Coal is the highest carbon emitter of all forms of fossil fuel production. Of course DT debunks Global warming. 

I can speculate all I want but without the tax returns NOBODY will ever know. 

Let’s move on. Pluto in the the 5th could mean power struggles with children regarding work and business. It could mean the possible death of a child. it could mean unscrupulous behavior surrounding children, or children doing criminal things. Hmmmm… Trump never divested himself from his businesses which are now run by his children. Ivanka is an “unofficial” White House advisor and her husband is the Chief of Staff.  DT Jr. released email show possible collusion with the Russians. The conflicts of interest abound. 

DT may have power struggles within his own family at the White House. the presence of Pluto in the 5th presents a very questionable influence of his children on the presidency. 

Pluto takes 249 years to travel around the Sun so it spends approx. 20 years in each sign. It will be in DT’s 5th house from January 2008 to January 2024. 

Again we haven’t seen the tax returns to know where DT’s speculative interests (5th house) really lie. 

Another possibility of Pluto in the 5th is obsessive romantic love. It is possible he could have an affair(s) with someone he becomes obsessed with or they become obsessed with him. An intense relationship in any case. It is unlikely the public will could learn of such an affair but the possibility remains. 

Since Pluto rules transformation it will somehow changes DT’s interests and sense of fun. His hobbies may change considerably, or become more intense. His speculative ventures could transform. 

Right now Pluto in the 5th is in a square to his natal Jupiter in the Second house. That’s another article for another day.

Trump and Neptune in the 7th house

I have read a couple of astrology articles that have to referred to Donald Trump’s possible interest in oil as an investment. 

Right now Neptune is in Pisces and is transiting Trumps seventh house. This could suggest an idealized 

(Pisces) partnership (7th house) of a business nature or a contract (7th house) related to oil (Neptune). Oil is a liquid therefore it is under Neptune’s rule. 

There are many other possibilities of Neptune transiting DT’s 7th house. A disappearance of partner or possible divorce. Being too trusting in relationships with others. Confusion or deception regarding a relationship or partnership. 

I would not be surprised if DT had a business tie to Rex Tillerson or even the Russians/Putin. 

Tillerson is the former CEO OF Exxon Mobil. In 2013/2014 Exxon purchased million of acres of land in Russia. Enough land to equal the state of Colorado (Google it). This was for oil exploration which never happened because of the sanctions from the Obama/Clinton administration which prevented it. I personally don’t feel it is a  coincidence that we have got Tillerson as our new Secretary of State. Exxon stands to make a lot of money doing business in Russia and Trump is probably aware of this. BUT other big problems, like election meddling, stand in the way of doing business with the Russians. 

AND we may never know if Trump has an interest in ExxonMobil. We need the tax returns for that. 

Neptune transiting DT’s 7th house may signify a business partnership in oil. Or bye-bye to Melania. I’m inclined to think it may be both due to other factors happening in his chart such as Pluto in Capricorn transiting the 5th (speculative ventures in mass energy) or transiting Saturn squaring His natal Venus (trouble with Romantic relationships).

We need those tax returns!!!


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